Round Them Cables?

July 24, 2002
Round or flat drive cables? Which is best?
Tags Hardware

Page 1: Introduction & A Look At The Cables

<B>Introduction :</B>
On a recent trip to Houston I took the opportunity to visit the <a href="">Directron’s</a> showroom and pick up a set of rounded cables. These are to be used in my latest project of rebuilding my water cooler setup. I knew I would need a longer (24”) EIDE cable to connect my CD-ROM and CD-RW in my new full ATX tower case.

<B>A Look At The Cables :</B>
These cables are from the Directron’s brand of rounded cables. As shown in the below photo I have a lime green FDD cable, a blue 24” EIDE cable, and a blue 18” EIDE cable. The shorter EIDE cable has markings to indicate it is ATA 33 - 133 compliant. I am about to find out if that is true or not.

<center><img src="/~nivram/RndCbl/cables.jpg">My Rounded Cables</center>

The first photo below shows the end connector of the cables, which is of typical construction. The second photo is the middle connection construction, which shows how it is first covered with a clear plastic sleeve before pressing on the connector. The outer covers are easy to move back from the connector to get a good view of the construction. This also means you can move them right up to the connector after installing the cables for a clean and neat appearance.

<center><img src="/~nivram/RndCbl/cblend.jpg">End Cable Connector</center>
<center><img src="/~nivram/RndCbl/cblmk.jpg">Middle Cable Construction</center>


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