Peltier Power Supply

September 8, 2002
Need a power supply for that high wattage peltier.
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<B>Introduction :</B>
Even back when I did a review of the <a href="">AquaStealth Extreme II</a> water cooler setup from <a href="">BECooling</a>, I had set the end goal of this setup to incorporate a peltier. I have now acquired a key item in my quest to optimize my cooler setup. That being a peltier power supply.

But what is a peltier? Basically it is an array of diodes sandwiched between two ceramic plates that when a voltage is applied will transfer heat from one ceramic plate to the other. By placing the 'cold' plate adjacent to a heat source (CPU most of the time) it is possible to transfer the heat away from the heat source. Since a 'cold' surface may also cause condensation it will be necessary to protect the circuitry of the computer from this condensation by insulating any possible cold surfaces.

<B>The Power Supply :</B>
I have done a lot of searching for a peltier power supply. I visited many forums, reading the posts of other power supply searchers, and tried to find threads that would lead me to a viable unit. Most indicated they found the necessary item at an auction site, but at a high price of $150 to $250. I felt that was too much so I looked for more alternatives. I even tried to use a standard PC power supply, but those normally don't have the amperage to power a high wattage peltier.

I kept visiting many water cooler vendors and knew that Brian at BECooling mentioned in a e-mail to me his site would soon have such an item. Well, finally it came true. I stopped by <a href="">BECooling</a> one Wednesday morning last month and there it was. An Astec 350 watt power supply. The photo below is of the peltier power supply.

<center><img src="/~nivram/peltier/pelps.jpg">Peltier Power Supply</center>

<B>Preparing The Power Supply :</B>
This power supply will provide 12 volts with 24 amps to the peltier. The next photo shows the rear of the power supply with two terminals soldered across, which is necessary to make the power supply work. The other two soldered wires are to the peltier.

<center><img src="/~nivram/peltier/plwrd.jpg">Soldering Completed</center>

<B>Mounting The Power Supply :</B>
The power supply will require two half-height 5¼" bays to mount and at 12" in length a case with depth to hold it. I had to relocate my pump/resevoir to the lower portion of my case (something I knew I would have to do) and move the radiator fan to outside the back of the case (unanticipated, but not a hard thing to do). I used a metal 5¼" to 3½" adapter plate with the mounting tabs removed to act as a holding tray for the power supply.

<center><img src="/~nivram/peltier/newfan.jpg">Power Supply Mounted</center>

<B>Conclusion :</B>
I had to change my ideas on the setup several times during the power supply installation. I was aware I would need the two 5¼" bays and an extra length area, but the actual length surprised me.

In a couple of weeks I should be finished with what I hope is the final installment of my quest for better cooling, that being adding a peltier. I hope you will have as much fun reading about my experience as I have in writing about it. I also hope it gets you to try even newer and more inventive ways to cool your PC and post your experiences in our forums. I know I would be interested in your methods.

Before you leave take a look below to see the frontal view of my new setup. Not bad looking, I even found a right angle power cord for an even cleaner look.

<center><img src="/~nivram/peltier/plincse.jpg">Frontal View of Mounted Power Supply
(This is with the power supply installed, but not turned on.)</center>


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