High End 3DLabs Wildcat 3 review

Aron Schatz
May 17, 2002
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Don't get the 3DLabs Wildcat 3 for gaming. Its a workhorse card that can do CAD and other 3d modeling stuff with ease.

The reasons for doing this article were not just to get the chance to play around with one of the most expensive 3D graphics cards available for a the PC platform, but to investigate where the differences lie between workstation and consumer 3D cards. With the convergence of the two classes getting ever closer, with Workstation cards taking their quality and getting faster and consumer cards increasing the quality of rendered output as well as increasing speed, this article may give us some insights into the areas that consumer cards will be going. This very much applies the the quality of AntiAliased rendering coming up as well; its probably unquestioned that Wildcat's SuperScene AntiAliasing is by far the most advanced form of Multisampling AA currently available on the PC platform today and its likely that we'll see advanced AA approaching this in the not too distant future on consumer cards -- with the recent 3Dlabs P10 and Matrox Parhelia-512 technology announcements it would seem that we may have techniques approaching some of the elements of SuperScene AA already.


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