Why Linux isn't on the desktop yet

Aron Schatz
April 29, 2002
Tags Software

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I saw this link from Via Hardware.

This article talks about why Linux hasn't caught on enough in the desktop area. I thought it was a good read.

The answer to the title of this article is a single sentence, but you'll have to read the whole article to understand it. The Linux community has an amazing blind spot, and I'd like to rant about it a bit.

I keep bumping into programmers who think some program or other is needed to change the world. They're wrong. "Linux just needs this one program and then we'll be ready!" they cry. I generally want to slap these people until they snap out of it (which is kind of hard to do through an internet connection). They are making a fundamentally wrong assumption. It's not about programs. It's about data.


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