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HTML5 Moves Forward With New Independent Mobile Application Store
Fast growth proves HTML5 power
SAO PAULO, Feb. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Just 10 weeks after being launched, Zeewe (, the new free-of-charge stand-alone HTML5 based app store, is already a great success among iPhone owners, with more than 160,000 users. As of this month, such number is expected to grow even more, as Android and iPad fans will also be able to access the store.
"Companies such as Google and Apple showed HTML5 will be the technology of the future for the design of Web applications. One of Zeewe's best edges is that it will soon be a store that will serve users from diverse operating systems. Designers will not need to invest in media to make their applications profitable and will rely on alternatives to other mobile application stores," Flavio Stecca, Movile's CTO, the company in charge of Zeewe, points out.
In his words, Zeewe also provides an easy collection feature inside the application itself through the integration with Mozca (, the Latin platform for micro-payments of virtual goods through cell phones and other payment means.
With just two months in Beta, the store figures are surprising. There are more than 40 thousand applications used daily and 770 thousand visitors, and more than 106 thousand installed and used regularly some application.
"With the support to Android and the potential collection in global scale, we think we will rely on 100 thousand users a day within the first half year," Stecca bets. "Most users are from the United States, Mexico, China, United Kingdom and India. Brazil is the sixth country in terms of number of users. That demonstrates the demand for smart phone applications is global," he concludes.
Check out the most downloaded applications from Zeewe:
Mafia Wars Pie Guy MYOUSIC.ME Colored Cats Bejeweled
used to find Try to paint
and play the whole
In Mafia Wars, songs. It box in a
players look searches the single
for allies to web for color. Move
restablish the audio files the colored
harmony among Pie Guy is a and then cats to the Bejeweled is
the mafia funny lists them background, the best
leaders in the Pacman- in an leaving them puzzle game
city. type game. interface. colored. for iPhone.
We are Sudoku
Puck Billiards Hunted Superstar Youtube Facebook
Play with
Discover new numberless
music Sudoku
through the puzzles.
web and Stay
detects entertained
Puck Billiards feelings for hours or
is a billiards and for a few Facebook is a
game. Hit the expressions moments The YouTube social
balls into the to while you app brings network that
pockets. Your understand wait in different connects you
best score at what people front of the capabilities with the
each stage is like or do microwave and features people
registered. not like. oven. of the site. around.
SOURCE FirstCom Comunicacao
FirstCom Comunicacao
CONTACT: Luis Claudio Allan,, Rodrigo Capella, Marcelo Volpato,, all of FirstCom Comunicacao, +011-11-3034-4662
Web Site:
HTML5 Moves Forward With New Independent Mobile Application Store
Fast growth proves HTML5 power
SAO PAULO, Feb. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Just 10 weeks after being launched, Zeewe (, the new free-of-charge stand-alone HTML5 based app store, is already a great success among iPhone owners, with more than 160,000 users. As of this month, such number is expected to grow even more, as Android and iPad fans will also be able to access the store.
"Companies such as Google and Apple showed HTML5 will be the technology of the future for the design of Web applications. One of Zeewe's best edges is that it will soon be a store that will serve users from diverse operating systems. Designers will not need to invest in media to make their applications profitable and will rely on alternatives to other mobile application stores," Flavio Stecca, Movile's CTO, the company in charge of Zeewe, points out.
In his words, Zeewe also provides an easy collection feature inside the application itself through the integration with Mozca (, the Latin platform for micro-payments of virtual goods through cell phones and other payment means.
With just two months in Beta, the store figures are surprising. There are more than 40 thousand applications used daily and 770 thousand visitors, and more than 106 thousand installed and used regularly some application.
"With the support to Android and the potential collection in global scale, we think we will rely on 100 thousand users a day within the first half year," Stecca bets. "Most users are from the United States, Mexico, China, United Kingdom and India. Brazil is the sixth country in terms of number of users. That demonstrates the demand for smart phone applications is global," he concludes.
Check out the most downloaded applications from Zeewe:
Mafia Wars Pie Guy MYOUSIC.ME Colored Cats Bejeweled
used to find Try to paint
and play the whole
In Mafia Wars, songs. It box in a
players look searches the single
for allies to web for color. Move
restablish the audio files the colored
harmony among Pie Guy is a and then cats to the Bejeweled is
the mafia funny lists them background, the best
leaders in the Pacman- in an leaving them puzzle game
city. type game. interface. colored. for iPhone.
We are Sudoku
Puck Billiards Hunted Superstar Youtube Facebook
Play with
Discover new numberless
music Sudoku
through the puzzles.
web and Stay
detects entertained
Puck Billiards feelings for hours or
is a billiards and for a few Facebook is a
game. Hit the expressions moments The YouTube social
balls into the to while you app brings network that
pockets. Your understand wait in different connects you
best score at what people front of the capabilities with the
each stage is like or do microwave and features people
registered. not like. oven. of the site. around.
SOURCE FirstCom Comunicacao
FirstCom Comunicacao
CONTACT: Luis Claudio Allan,, Rodrigo Capella, Marcelo Volpato,, all of FirstCom Comunicacao, +011-11-3034-4662
Web Site: