Energy Flair Fuels Online Energy Efficiency Competition
Users can now see how their average energy bill compares to others
DALLAS, April 20, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Energy Flair, an online competition to save energy at home, has added a new feature to show how energy efficient a household is relative to others. Users can see how their average electric and gas bills compare to the real-time averages of three groups of people: their Facebook friends who are also using Energy Flair, all Energy Flair users, and other households in their state.
Usage and cost averages are calculated using data from participants who upload electronic copies of their electric and gas bills. The site only displays group averages, so others will never know how much a specific individual is using or spending. Users can, however, compete with individual Facebook friends for the most Energy Flair, digital badges that are earned for year-over-year reductions in energy usage.
Energy Flair Co-Founder and Product Manager Rajesh Nerlikar explains, "Keeping up with the Joneses is hard to do if you can't see what they're doing. That's the problem with energy bills - they're invisible to others and rarely come up in conversations. With Energy Flair, you can see how green you are relative to others based on actual energy consumption. Sure, we know that the amount of energy a household uses depends on a lot of factors, but comparing your average energy bill is one more way we're helping you measure your energy efficiency."
About Energy Flair
Energy Flair is a free online service that teaches people how to use electricity and natural gas more efficiently, tracks their household energy consumption over time and rewards them for reducing their energy bills with digital badges called Energy Flair. Individuals can join the competition by creating an Energy Flair account in less than a minute using either their email address or Facebook account.