California Social Networking Bill Will Stall Online Innovation
NetChoice outlines dangerous consequences of California legislation to regulate social networks
SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 10, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Proposed legislation (S.B. 242) considered today by the California Senate Judiciary Committee would impose restrictive curbs on existing and future social networks that will have damaging implications extending far beyond legislators' intentions.
"The bill's sponsors started out with the noble goal of protecting children, but recent amendments transform the legislation into a boogeyman that will scare away innovation," said Steve DelBianco, executive director of NetChoice. "The current proposal will create a major regulatory minefield for social networking services while failing to provide meaningful protection for minors."
As recently amended, S.B. 242 would go far beyond its stated aim of protecting children:
-- The bill would chill free expression by requiring social networks to
remove any statements about an individual that include their picture,
video, or place of employment (regardless of age) upon that individual's
request. This move would eliminate social networks' newfound power to
generate positive social change and open public debate.
-- The bill would affect social networking websites that knowingly serve
minors with specific safeguards and educational guidance. For fear of
lawsuits, these websites may stop asking the age of new users and
offering specific measures to protect minors.
-- Under S.B. 242's definition of social networking sites, even school-run
social websites would be subject to new restrictions and huge civil
liabilities. Websites run by high school sports clubs, higher education
student aid forums and online health information providers would all be
subject to automatic penalties of $10,000 for every technical violation
of the law. The threat of legal action could easily lead to the
elimination of these free public services.
"Combining mandatory penalties with loosely worded legislation that attempts to manage the future of Internet innovation is a recipe for disaster," said DelBianco. "In their rush to protect children, we must demand that legislators craft targeted solutions that provide meaningful protection without unjustified restrictions on Internet innovation and free expression."
NetChoice looks forward to continued open and thoughtful consideration of this matter without undue pressure to find quick fixes.
NetChoice is an advocacy organization that fights threats to online commerce and promotes policies that protect Internet innovation and communication on a state, federal and international basis. The Washington, DC-based group protects Internet commerce-driven competition and battles rules that hinder consumer choice and hurt small businesses. For more information, see