June Game Informer Digital Issue Is Free Until May 30th

May 27, 2011

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Game Informer is allowing anyone to read the June issue in digital format for free until May 30th. It works pretty well with a little bit of lag. I hope they're going to make it available for download so it can be taken on the go without being reliant on an internet connection.


For over a year now, Game Informer has offered a digital subscription to the magazine that was simple in design. With the most recent June issue we went back to the drawing board and started building digital issues from the ground up, with some added digital bonuses.

From exclusive content to interactive pages, the new Game Informer Digital magazine is all about an easy reading experience as it is created to be native to your computer screen and take advantage of all the things a computer-based digital edition can offer. Like any project however, we managed to make the product before we had all the bells and whistles in place. So if you are interested in getting a Game Informer Digital subscription you will need to visit your local Gamestop until we can make digital subscriptions available online.



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