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Has Dell changed it's tune? We've heard rumblings and excuses before from them when the Athlon first came out and grabbed the cpu world storm. Dell wouldn't spear thier exclusive and lucrative deal with Intel unless they had a very good reason to do so. I wouldn't hold my breath on this one, until I actually saw them provide some hardware to back it up with, but still it's an interesting development.
Dell gives AMD's Hammer and Opterons a megaboost
Has Dell changed it's tune? We've heard rumblings and excuses before from them when the Athlon first came out and grabbed the cpu world storm. Dell wouldn't spear thier exclusive and lucrative deal with Intel unless they had a very good reason to do so. I wouldn't hold my breath on this one, until I actually saw them provide some hardware to back it up with, but still it's an interesting development.
Dell gives AMD's Hammer and Opterons a megaboost