Scientist want to create life

Aron Schatz
November 21, 2002
Tags Science

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That is correct, I head on the radio today that the US Dept of Energy is funding the first EVER human created life. A single celled organism will be made with the minimal genes for lift. Activists are on this like white on rice. Who knows what could happen if this thing is released into the environment.


Venter and Smith said they will delete a gene that gives M. genitalium the ability to adhere to human cells, as well as another 200 genes that confer upon the organism the ability to survive in a hostile environment. The end result will be a delicate creature, at home only in the warm nutrient bath of a laboratory dish.

Venter left the top position in January at the genome company he helped found, Celera Genomics Group, as the company changed its business model to concentrate more on developing drugs.


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