Klez Still Alive

May 1, 2003
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If you have any kind of recent virus definitions you really don't have to worry. Just keep active protection on and scan once every couple weeks. Top 10 viruses with a Klez variant up top. I've gottent his virus many times off Kazaa, but the auto-protect picks it up before the code can fully execute.


The full top 10 looks like this (percentages show total proportion of virus reports accounted for by each virus):

1. W32/Klez-H (Klez variant) 12.7 per cent
2. W32/Lovgate-E (Lovgate variant) 4.9 per cent
3. W32/Bugbear-A (Bugbear worm) 4.3 per cent
4. W32/Sobig-A (Sobig worm) 3.3 per cent
5=. W32/ElKern-C (Elkern variant) 2.9 per cent
5=. W32/Yaha-E (Yaha variant) 2.9 per cent
5=. W32/Yaha-K (Yaha variant) 2.9 per cent
8. JS/NoClose (NoClose worm) 2.1 per cent
9. W32/Flcss (FunLove) 1.9 per cent RE-ENTRY
10. Dial/Datemake-A (Datemake dialler) 1.6 per cent

Others 60.5 per cent

Just ignore the typos. They're in the actual article, but no big deal.


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