Lots of Reviews

Aron Schatz
October 22, 2003
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Okay, my computer's hard drive decided to crap out (it was my fault) and I have to get a new one. That'll be happening today. I'm actually at home right now. And remember, we have a bunch of reviews coming up, so keep checking the article space!

Kingmax DDR433 ! PCStats.
Corsair PC4000 @ ClubOC.
Albatron K8X800 @ PCStats.
TwinMos Twister PC4000 @ ClubOC. Nothing but problem here.
Crucial PC3200 @ BigBruin.
Crucial PC3200 @ VL.

Other stuff:
Coolagy Microcooling @ Frostytech.
Altec Lansing 5.1 Speakers @ Ascully.
TT Silent Boost @ Frostytech.
Zalman Copper thing @ OCC.
iRiver MP3 Player @ Designtechnica.
Xoxide Xdreamer 2 @ AthlonXP.
EluminX EL Keyboard @ Vallyforums.


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