"Super Monkey Ball Deluxe" coming out for XBox and PS2 in early 2005

September 12, 2004
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One of the best GameCube-only game series is rolling its way onto the PS2 and XBox for a little monkey-lovin'.

Per Gamespot: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/09/10/news_6107155.html

"Deluxe will feature 300 stages--114 from the original game, 140 from the sequel, and 46 brand-new boards--in which the player must roll a monkey, who's inside a giant hamster ball, around a precarious series of platforms while collecting bananas and reaching his goal without falling off any platforms. Additionally, the fan-favorite party modes, such as Monkey Fight and Monkey Target, will all be packed into Deluxe--which features 12 party modes in all."

Both games, plus extra levels, for 30 bucks. Not bad! A little online play would of been sweet, however...

By the way, if you've never played Super Monkey Ball and you own a GameCube, shame on you! It's one the best games on the system. Redeem yourself and buy it now, it's only 20 bucks! http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/212516.asp


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