Thursday Tech News

Aron Schatz
July 21, 2005
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Microsoft and Google fighting over China. American companies should not invest in China. China has ambitions that do not comply with any of the western world. Content filtering is just the tip of the iceberg, and why American companies (such as Microsoft or Google) would even think of filtering content is terrible. China will one day outlcass the US in many ways, and it is nearly there already. I am not just talking about technology. We need to overhaul our on country before expanding, thanks.


With an estimated 100 million people online, China's Internet audience is second only to that of the United States, and financial analysts believe it will surpass America's Internet population within five years. China also has 350 million mobile phone subscribers, 43 million broadband homes and 20 million online gamers--the largest gaming population in the world, according to Piper Jaffray.

Accessibility on websites.


Even when people have similar disabilities, every individual is different. Given the enormous range of functional limitations that exist, even within a single disability or impairment type, it would be nearly impossible to create a label or mark that could provide sufficient information to buyers regarding a product's conformance with evolving accessibility standards. In fact, labeling products as "accessible" could set false expectations for consumers.

Employees get notification swamped.


There is a mini-rebellion under way, however. Desperate for some quiet time to think, people are coming up with low-tech strategies to get away from all their technology. That has Microsoft and others taking note and looking for ways to create software that can be more adept at preventing interruptions.

Bombs on Japan had a second motivation. I agree on the last part of the article.


Truman's main aim had been to end the war with Japan, Freedman says, but adds that, with the wisdom of hindsight, the bombing may not have been militarily justified. Some people assumed that the US always had "a malicious and nasty motive", he says, "but it ain't necessarily so."

China revalues yuan against the dollar. China's trade policies are hurting the US, and the US consumer doesn't care.


The statement said China will immediately value the currency at 8.11 yuan, down 2 percent from the 8.28 rate previously. It also said it will now peg the yuan against a "market basket" of numerous currencies, although it will keep the yuan in a tight band rather than letting it trade freely. But the central bank did promise that the exchange rate band would be adjusted when necessary according to market developments as well as economic and financial situations.


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