Saturday Tech News

Aron Schatz
August 6, 2005
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Yes, this is my first weekend post in awhile. I also have a server update. I have moved nameservers and such for all the sites. You may get sporadic downtime, but I'm 95% sure this won't happen. Just a heads up. Expect an article on encryption soon.

Employers screw America with H1-B Visas. I have a 3 word statement for you. It begins with Go and ends in Yourself.


Employers have applied for 49,040 H-1B guest worker visas for next fiscal year, more than 75 percent of the program's annual cap of 65,000, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The tally, made July 31, suggests the limit for the controversial visas could be reached near or on the first day of federal fiscal year 2006, Oct. 1. This fiscal year, employers hit the annual cap as of the first day.

Discovery heads back home.


Before she and her crew of six left the station, Collins thanked the ISS crew for being such good hosts. ISS flight engineer John Phillips, replied: “Thank you so much for being wonderful guests. It’s really been a pleasure. And no, we’re not glad to see you go. We’d love to see you stay longer.”

Northern lights at Saturn.


The solar wind compresses the magnetic field around Saturn, dislodging charged particles trapped in radiation belts around the planet. These particles then stream along magnetic field lines down into the top of the atmosphere around the poles. There, they collide with atoms and molecules of hydrogen, making them glow at ultraviolet wavelengths.


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