Far Cry Instincts Looks To Be Purchase-Worthy...

September 28, 2005
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IGN Gives it a solid 9.0. Check their review out here: http://xbox.ign.com/articles/653/653891p1.html

Sounds great, huh? I dig the whole trap thing, and the customizable stuff really makes it sound like this will last quite a while on LIVE. To quote IGN: "There's basic deathmatch and team deathmatch modes, called Chaos and Team Chaos, as well as Steal the Sample and the standout Predator mode. Players can access drivable vehicles, mounted machine guns, the game's full arsenal and feral power ups. Just about every aspect of the multiplayer like time limits, kill counts, etc., can be modified, the maps are huge and varied, there's basically nothing wrong here. You can customize your character's appearance and view all your stats from the game's on Xbox Live, it's just really a great experience. Add to all that the unique Predator mode, and this could be a console multiplayer shooter you'll be playing for a long time to come, and even more of a reason to purchase this game than the single player."

Predator mode seems especially cool, and it's also worth mentioning that it has a sweet-sounding map editor....plus the game has bloom lighting. Bloom lighting is purty.

Post if you get it and we'll play you online. It looks like me and Aron are picking it up ASAP. Maybe we'll see you there!
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...it's nice to see there's still life left in the good 'ol XBOX. Not too shabby for a 733Mhz CPU w/a dusty old Nvidia graphic chip, eh?


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