EU Unofficially Approves Microsoft Daily Fines

Aron Schatz
July 5, 2006

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The member states of the EU have taken an unofficial vote and all are in agreement with fining Microsoft $2.51 million backed dated to 2004. Microsoft was supposed to open up protocol and API information which they, of course, didn't do without large legal restrictions and such. That's what you get when a quasi-government that has some teeth gets you, unlike the American Antitrust case...


The vote is (unofficially, and off the record) in. Regulators from the European Union's 25 member countries have, according to reports, unanimously found Microsoft guilty of non-compliance with the commission's landmark 2004 anti-trust ruling. The way is now clear for Microsoft to start paying a $2.51m a day fine backdated to December 15 for failing to meet the terms of the commission's ruling.


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