New mobile meditation app uses neuro-feedback to improve mental clarity, reduce stress

February 20, 2013

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New mobile meditation app uses neuro-feedback to improve mental clarity, reduce stress

OTTAWA, Feb. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Personal Neuro Devices Inc. (, a developer of mobile neuro applications, today launched Transcend,
an app that gives its users real feedback about the quality of their
meditation, using actual neuro-feedback.

Transcend allows users to track and improve their meditation practices
over time by reporting the quality and duration of their meditation
sessions, as well as other helpful metrics. Using these metrics,
Transcend can tell when a user is successfully achieving meditative
states regularly, or whether a user may benefit from an alternative
form of meditation. By measuring and recording meditative states, a
user can track his or her progress and receive confirmation that their
meditation has been effective.

Unlike other meditation apps available today, Transcend directly
measures neural activity and takes into account the different ways that
people meditate. It includes meditation guides for users new to the
practice, or more experienced users looking to try a different style.
Transcend's ability to provide personalized feedback and suggest
improvements for more effective meditation can benefit users of any
experience level.

"This is the first mobile meditation app that gives constructive
feedback based on actual neuro-imaging," said Tony Gaitatzis, CTO and co-founder at Personal Neuro Devices. "Transcend incorporates proprietary brain-activity-analysis algorithms
and is based on research studies with individuals who are new to the
practice of mediation as well as experienced users."

Data from each meditation session is gathered using NeuroSky's MindWave
Mobile headset (, which uses Bluetooth to transmit real-time electrical impulses via
strategically placed electrodes, allowing users to monitor their
progress as they melt into a more personal meditation.

"We are very pleased to collaborate with Personal Neuro Devices to bring
Transcend to market," said Stanley Yang, CEO of NeuroSky. "Transcend will significantly extend and enhance the usefulness and
benefits of the MindWave Mobile headset to many new users."

Transcend is available for Android in Google Play while an iOS version
has just been submitted to the Apple App Store and will soon be

About the NeuroSky MindWave Mobile Headset

The MindWave Mobile headset, imagined and crafted by NeuroSky, is a
simple, portable, and consumer-friendly EEG device that reads the small
electrical signals emanating from the brain. After reading these
signals, the MindWave mobile re-interprets them into a meaningful,
accessible format via the user's choice of compatible software.

About Personal Neuro Devices

Personal Neuro Devices is a neuroscience company focused on
brain-computer interface technologies. Through the collaboration of a
dedicated team of neuroscientists, software developers, gamification
experts, biomedical device researchers and graphic artists, Personal
Neuro has applied advances in neuro-imaging and psychology to create
new and exciting brain-computer interface programs and technologies.
Already available on the market are several smartphone apps, including
UpCake, the original neuro-game for girls, which have a wide range of
stimulating mental health, education and entertainment purposes.
Personal Neuro continues to work on new applications that will provide
users with better and more innovative ways to increase quality of life
through brain-computer interface technology.

Both headsets and Personal Neuro Devices products, including Transcend, are available from the NeuroSky app store Transcend is also available on Google Play

and on the Personal Neuro Devices website:

Personal Neuro Devices Inc., the Personal Neuro Devices logo, UpCake,
Transcend and Psych Showdown are trademarks of Personal Neuro Devices
Inc. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their
respective owners.

SOURCE  Personal Neuro Devices Inc.

Personal Neuro Devices Inc.

CONTACT: or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Leo Valiquette
inmedia Public Relations Inc.
+1 613 769 9479


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