DomainTools' Brand Monitor Extends Coverage to over 50 of the Most Popular Top Level Domains

February 22, 2013

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DomainTools' Brand Monitor Extends Coverage to over 50 of the Most Popular Top Level Domains

Brand Monitor helps guard brands and trademarks by constantly scouring the Web for domain registrations that contain brand names, trademarked terms, or text strings

SEATTLE, Feb. 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- DomainTools, the leader in domain-name research and monitoring, today announces the re-launch of its market-leading Brand Monitor product to extend coverage to over 50 of the most popular top level domains (TLDs) including those with over 100,000 registered domains. DomainTools' updated Brand Monitor helps police cybersquatting across the largest domain markets worldwide, assisting brand managers and trademark owners with protecting the value of their online assets.

With the impending explosion of new generic TLDs slated for later this year, the playing field for domain name abuse is about to be greatly expanded. Vigilant brand owners need to consider not only defensive domain registration strategies, but also proactive monitoring of the new "wild west" of domains and TLDs. This revolution in web navigation brings increased threat of cybersquatting, trademark abuse, and spear phishing, all of which can be driven by malfeasant domain registrations.

In response to this new environment, DomainTools has rebuilt and relaunched a significantly enhanced Brand Monitor product, one which can quickly adapt to the launch of new gTLDs. As part of this expansion, the Brand Monitor product also now covers over 50 TLDs, including the 25 largest Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs). E-business, like the internet, is global in nature and the most effective monitoring tools have to cover more than .com and .net.

"Whether you're protecting a trademark, monitoring your competition or looking for industry-specific domains to add to your portfolio, Brand Monitor gives you actionable intelligence," said Tim Chen, CEO of DomainTools. "Industry experts are predicting the impending launch of new gTLDs will revolutionize Web navigation, bringing with it higher security risks and increased threats to trademark and brand protection."

Brand Monitor sends alerts when DomainTools observes a newly found domain name that uses any term or phrase a customer has specified.

Brand Monitor has many applications:

    --  Proactively monitor important company brands or trademarks, helping to
        protect intellectual property.
    --  Stealthily monitor competitors' domain name registrations to help stay
        on top of their strategies.
    --  Defensively monitor common brand typos to help signal possible phishing
        attempts or cybersquatting.
Brand Monitor is available to Professional-level DomainTools members as part of their membership. Professional members can continuously monitor any 10 terms.  Higher volume users can access this same Brand Monitor data via API.  Visit DomainTools' membership details page to learn more about available Brand Monitor packages.

About DomainTools
DomainTools offers the most comprehensive searchable database of domain name registration and hosting data. Combined with their other data sites such as, and, users of can review millions of historical domain name records from basic Whois and DNS information, to homepage images and email settings. The Company's comprehensive snapshots of past and present domain name registration, ownership and usage data, in addition to powerful research and monitoring resources, help customers by unlocking everything there is to know about a domain name. DomainTools is a Top 250 site in the Alexa rankings. Visit the website at

SOURCE  DomainTools


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