Are You a Data Diva or a Wireless Warrior?

February 25, 2013

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Are You a Data Diva or a Wireless Warrior?

McCann Truth Central Launches

First Major Tool to Uncover & Define Distinct Mobile Personalities

Take the test and find out how your mobile personality compares to your "real life" one

NEW YORK, Feb. 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- McCann Truth Central, the global intelligence unit of McCann Worldgroup based in New York, today launched the McCann Mobile Personality Profiler, the first major online tool to uncover and define the distinct personalities of mobile device users. What's your mobile personality? Take the test at and find out.

The Mobile Personality Profiler is a key component of McCann Truth Central's newest global research study, "The Truth About Connected You."  The findings of the study will be released at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, on February 27, 2013.

"It's fascinating to know how our personality complements or clashes with those of our boss, our colleagues, a boyfriend or girlfriend," said the Profiler tool's creator, David Tucker, Deputy Director of McCann Truth Central.  "However, if we conduct ourselves differently when using our mobiles, as our research shows, then our new 'mobile personality' could have huge implications for our relationships, both business and personal."

"It stands to reason that marketers who better understand the mobile personalities of their customers, which are often very different from their real-life ones, will have an advantage when it comes to building stronger connections with them," said Laura Simpson, Global Director, McCann Truth Central who led the "The Truth About Connected You" study. "Nobody likes to be yelled at, nagged or ignored - but despite having the best intentions, many mobile programs are doing just that."

Globally, the Top Five mobile personalities include:

Mobile Maitre-D (15% globally, #1 type in Spain, China)

Right this way, sir. I've been holding this time to chat with you. You are the ultimate orchestrator when it comes to mobile. Your day is scheduled to the minute on your phone; if you've got kids, theirs is too. You always answer a call or message - with a proper salutation, too. If someone has to wait, you have your best apology ready. Your only handicap is a fear of deviating from your patterns. You may be missing out on some of the best mobile innovations, including some which can help you maintain your high standards of organization and service. You might like the Weave app, which is great for people who are managing multiple personal projects.

Data Diva (11% globally, #1 in U.S. & the U.K.)

140 character limit? What is this @#$%? Calm down, connected friend, your buddies won't mind if you take ten to get back to them. You're a serial chatterer and your phone bills are probably keeping some of the networks in business. You're too busy catching up with friends to organize your extensive contacts list. You can't imagine life without mobile, but you suspect you're not getting everything you can out of your devices, and you may be right. You might like the Onavo Extend app that helps you manage your data usage.

Wireless Warrior (10% globally, #1 in South Africa)

Hey, pro, how fast can you clean out your inbox? Probably pretty fast, since you're so organized. You use your mobile to keep the communication lines open, close deals and make decisions at all hours. For you, connecting with people is currency, and so while you probably have one of the biggest voice and data bills in your department, you're reluctant to make huge changes to your devices lest you risk a technical malfunction. You might like the Evernote app for note-making when you're away from your desk.

iChatty (9% globally, #1 in India & Brazil)

Your phone goes everywhere with you and you've been known to send the odd text from the toilet. Your mobile challenge is ensuring that your social screen obsession doesn't take you away from the thing you love the most: your friends and family. You're probably a video chatting fiend already, but you might want to check out Viber and Google+ Hangouts so that you can chat and text with more than one friend at a time. Oh, and remember to turn the camera off when you have to 'excuse yourself.'

Linked-out Loyalist (8% globally, #1 in Japan)

You are the person who always 'keeps it real.' Just because you have access to lots of new tech tools, it doesn't mean you think they're necessarily the best way for you to communicate. You're loyal to your select set of best friends and family, and you want that personal touch that comes from voice calls or video chatting. You probably believe that receiving a handwritten, posted mail is a greater sign of connection than a text message. You like tech, but you view it as a supplement to your relationships. You might get the most use out of a navigation app like MotionX GPS Drive, to find that new cafe where you're meeting your friends.

About McCann Truth Central 
McCann Truth Central, based in New York, is McCann Worldgroup's global intelligence unit, with representation in more than 100 countries around the world. The group is dedicated to uncovering human truths to help brands make their mark in the world. The Truth Central Team has analyzed attitudes about topics ranging from wellness to privacy, youth, beauty, moms, social media, politics and more. To download the studies visit: .

About McCann Erickson 
McCann Erickson ( operates 180 offices in more than 120 countries and boasts a client roster that includes preeminent global marketers and many of the world's most famous brands. The agency is a unit of McCann Worldgroup, a leading global marketing solutions network, comprised of a collaborative roster of best-in-class agencies that emphasize creativity, innovation and performance. Clients include leading global brands such as American Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Coca-Cola, General Motors, General Mills, GlaxoSmithKline, Intel, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft Foods, L'Oreal, MasterCard, Maybelline, Nestle, Sony and Unilever.

SOURCE  McCann Worldgroup

McCann Worldgroup

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