Ms. Foundation for Women Releases Video Parody Calling Out 22 Senators Who Voted Against Violence Against Women Act

February 27, 2013

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Ms. Foundation for Women Releases Video Parody Calling Out 22 Senators Who Voted Against Violence Against Women Act

Fake Taylor Swift Targets Marco Rubio Impersonator, Using Humor to Bring Attention to Serious Issue

NEW YORK, Feb. 27, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Ms. Foundation for Women today released a hilarious parody video exposing the utter ridiculousness of voting against the Violence Against Women Act.

In the cheeky video, a Taylor Swift lookalike calls out all 22 male senators by name - a play on Swift's song "22." The singer and her friends interact with a Marco Rubio impersonator, in a comical scene referencing the water-sipping moment during Rubio's response to President Obama's State of the Union address.

Underlying the humor is the Ms. Foundation's grave concern for protections for all women - including immigrants, Native Americans and LGBTQ women.

First enacted in 1994 and continuously reauthorized since, the Violence Against Women Act was allowed to expire in 2011 because of objections to expanded protections for immigrant, Native American and LGBTQ women.

Earlier this month, the Senate passed an inclusive version of the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization bill with the support of all senators except John Barrasso (Wyo.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), John Boozman (Ark.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Cornyn (Texas), Ted Cruz (Texas), Mike Enzi (Wyo.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Orrin Hatch (Utah), James Inhofe (Okla.), Mike Johanns (Neb.), Ron Johnson (Wisc.), Mike Lee (Utah), Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Rand Paul (Ky.), Jim Risch (Idaho), Pat Roberts (Kansas), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Jeff Sessions (Ala.), John Thune (S.D.) and Tim Scott (S.C.).

On Friday, House Republican leaders unveiled a watered-down version of the Senate bill that excludes LGBTQ protections and alters language related to Native American victims of domestic violence. The House is expected to vote on the bill later this week.

One in four women have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner. Between 1993 and 2010, the Violence Against Women Act helped decrease intimate partner violence by 67 percent.

Comedian Molly Gaebe and Actress Jamie Kolnick created the video for the Ms. Foundation.

The Ms. Foundation for Women fights to eliminate barriers for every woman in the U.S. For 40 years, we have worked tirelessly to secure women's rights and freedoms with a special commitment to building the power of low-income, immigrant and women of color. At our core, we are advocates giving a voice to women to elevate their most pressing issues. We're continually investing funds, time, expertise and training in more than 100 trailblazing organizations nationwide to secure a better future for ourselves, our families and our communities.

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SOURCE  Ms. Foundation for Women

Ms. Foundation for Women

CONTACT: Christie Petrone, Senior Manager, Public Relations, +1-212-709-4422,


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