Bureau van Dijk Develops the Catalyst for Compliance Research
New product from leading business information provider helps assess risk and streamlines client on-boarding and AML research to improve efficiency
LONDON, April 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Bureau van Dijk (BvD), one of the world's leading business information publishers, has
created a new tool to help assess risk associated with potential customers, with the
objective of streamlining the on-boarding process and improving efficiency. Compliance
Catalyst utilises the 'compliance critical' information on BvD's global company database,
Orbis, notably its extensive company hierarchies that help users identify group risk and
beneficial ownership. Compliance Catalyst is the only platform where PEP and Sanction
intelligence is seamlessly integrated with corporate ownership structures - a significant
element in its timesaving focus. Compliance Catalyst is now in its final stages of beta
development and is available to trial.
The user employs Compliance Catalyst to create detailed, secure on-boarding reports in
a process that offers options to annotate, append, share and include in existing
workflows. Compliance Catalyst combines information from a range of providers and includes
intelligence on beneficial owners, directors, PEPs and Sanctions as well as company
financials and company hierarchies, other adverse and country risk data. It also contains
time-saving links to regulatory bodies and stock exchanges for verification purposes.
Significantly, Compliance Catalyst is customisable and its risk parameters can be set
according to the client's risk-based approach. Clients can also create bespoke processes
using simple menu-driven tools. Web Services options mean that Compliance Catalyst, or
elements of it, can be used within the client's own environment.
"BvD's data has long been used by compliance researchers," said Neil Farquhar
compliance product manager at BvD, continuing, "Our company ownership structures are very
comprehensive and deservedly popular in helping research beneficial ownership and conflict
checking. We've built on this with Compliance Catalyst, creating a tool that simplifies
getting to the critical data points, that combines relevant data with other important
external sources and that incorporates this intelligence in a risk platform tailored to
the task. The result is a tool that can save huge amounts of time and deliver impressive
results. When we demonstrate Compliance Catalyst the responses are very positive."
More information is available at bvdinfo.com.
Screenshots and photographs available on request.
About Bureau van Dijk
Bureau van Dijk (BvD) is one of the world's most renowned business information
publishers. The company has over 30 offices worldwide. BvD is best known for its range of
international company information products that combines multiple high-quality data
sources with flexible software to allow users to manipulate data for research and
analysis. Products include Orbis, Amadeus, Bankscope and Mint. BvD has range of Catalysts
designed for its various vertical markets - including transfer pricing, credit,
procurement and compliance. BvD also publishes the global M&A database, Zephyr.
Compliance Catalyst is part of BvD's range of catalysts - platforms created
specifically to optimise data on BvD's products for a task or process. Compliance Catalyst
combines data from Orbis with PEPs and sanctions data from WorldCompliance. It's the only
place where PEP and Sanction intelligence is combined with comprehensive corporate
ownership structures. Companies' managers and directors are also screened against these
PEP and Sanction lists.
Compliance Catalyst allows the user to review a corporate group as a whole. It also
automates checks and captures proof a company's listed status, creates customised risk
scores and offers secure and detailed reporting. Compliance Catalyst harnesses the power
of valuable datasets in a purpose built platform. It can be completely aligned with the
user's existing compliance processes.
About Neil Farquhar MICA - product manager compliance at BvD
Neil Farquhar joined BvD in January 2011 having gained seventeen years' experience in
a number of research and data management roles. Before joining BvD he spent ten years at
professional services firm, Deloitte. His last three years at the firm were in managing
its research tool portfolio. His role at BvD is to develop and manage its products for
compliance, including its new Compliance Catalyst. Neil's areas of expertise include AML
compliance, international business information and the user perspective.
Press contact:
Louise Green, group marketing director, Bureau van Dijk
louise.green@bvdinfo.com +44(0)20-7549-5012/5000
Leela Hauser, marketing director - Americas, Bureau van Dijk
leela.hauser@bvdinfo.com +1(212)797-3551