Toyota Starts Ethanol Cars

Aron Schatz
October 10, 2006

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Toyota will be releasing an ethanol only car in 2007 and a mixture car as well. This is a reminder to everyone not to be happy with the current oil situation. There was much talk about alternate fuel sources and then all of a sudden, prices came down... Yeah.


The pricing and the name of the car have not been revealed yet, he added. Brazil is a natural spot to launch the car. Brazilians produce ethanol there from sugar cane, and a number of gas stations sell it. Toyota has also kicked off trials with gas-to-liquid (GTL) fuel cars in Europe. In GTL, natural gas is converted to a relatively clean form of fuel for diesel cars. The process is similar to the one for converting coal to diesel fuel, but cars running on GTL emit far fewer particulates. Humans, in fact, can drink GTL fuel: You might get sick, but you won't die, one Shell executive said last year. GTL is expensive, but could become popular in megacities where the air pollution from diesel has become a major health hazard.


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