Illinois Bans Free Speech

Aron Schatz
November 28, 2006

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And the courts declare it unconstitutional. IL tried to ban video games with boobies.


In August 2005, the Illinois State Legislature enacted the Sexually Explicit Video Game Law ("SEVGL"), which criminalized the sale of "sexually explicit" video games to minors, and required purveyors of such games to conspicuously label any sexually explicit game with a four square inch label reading "18", and provide relevant signage within the stores where games are sold. The Entertainment Software Association, among others, filed suit against the State of Illinois the day after the SEVGL was enacted, claiming that the law violated the First Amendment. The district court permanently enjoined enforcement of the law, and the State of Illinois sought review. On appeal, the Seventh Circuit affirmed the lower court's holding that the statue was not narrowly tailored.


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