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So, to try to save face in light of this new technology, Sony is again pointing out that rumble wouldn't work with the SixAxis technology; despite the fact that everyone and their mother knew full well that it was a lie far before Immersion called Sony on it.
What exactly are they trying to prove?
Still hopeful that Sony might one day bring rumble back to the PlayStation 3? It doesn't look like it's going to happen. A company called SplitFish has announced new rumble tech that works with motion sensing and sidesteps Immersion's patents, but Sony told GameDaily BIZ that it's not interested.
So, to try to save face in light of this new technology, Sony is again pointing out that rumble wouldn't work with the SixAxis technology; despite the fact that everyone and their mother knew full well that it was a lie far before Immersion called Sony on it.
What exactly are they trying to prove?