WoW Account Hacking Big

Aron Schatz
April 10, 2007
Tags Games WoW

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Remember that playing games does not make you immune to hacks. No matter if you are level 120 with a +3 battle axe, you are susceptible to keyloggers.


The gangs perpetrating the hacking are "incredibly active, and it's a good exploit," said Roger Thompson, CTO of security software developer LinkScanner. "It's probably a conservative estimate to say that there's tens of thousands of victims." The exploit works when unsuspecting WoW players visit any number of Web sites infected by the hackers with keylogging software. When the players visit the sites--which are often unrelated to WoW, but that players frequent, Thompson said--the software is quietly installed on their computers, allowing the hackers to spy on keystrokes and steal players' WoW passwords.


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