Practice What You Preach

Aron Schatz
May 2, 2007

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It turns out that Business 2.0 does not practice its own advice of making sure to backup regularly. Their June issue was lost and no backup was done due to a problem. Sucks.


You remember the time when mom used to tell not to talk on the phone while ironing clothes lest you make a mistake and burn yourself. And then one day she forgot to practice what she was preaching and…! Well a funny situation like this has occurred in the business world too. Business 2.0 is a magazine published by Time. They have been warning their readers against the hazards of not taking backups of computer files. So much so that in an article published by them in 2003, they 'likened backups to flossing - everyone knows it's important, but few devote enough thought or energy to it.' And one fine day, sorry night, (April 23 to be precise) the magazine's editorial system crashed, nullifying the work done for the June issue. The backup server failed to back up.


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