Beginning today, Montreal video game companies are invited to submit the sound tracks from any of their games they would like to see included in the concert program. The final selection will be announced this fall.
The event will also have an interactive component: in synchrony with the orchestra, video game sequences will be projected on a big screen. At various points, individual members of the audience will be invited to come play a video game live on stage, adding a spontaneous dimension to the concert. Their performances will be projected on the big screen and simultaneously accompanied by the orchestra.
The concert will be conducted by Dina Gilbert and will begin with an original work by video game composer Maxime Goulet, the initiator of the project. Composed specially and exclusively for the concert, this work will provide the musical theme for the Montreal Video Game Symphony.
To guide those attending from game to game, a master of ceremonies will interact with the audience and draw links between the various pieces played by the orchestra, describing the characteristics sought by the composers of the original pieces in the context of the projected game experience.
The Montreal Video Game Symphony offers video game companies with a studio in Montreal the opportunity to take part in this one-of-a-kind event by submitting game music for inclusion in the concert program. To do so, companies are encouraged to fill out the form on the Montreal Video Game Symphony website.