CPU3D, Asus P4S533 Asus has responded, by being among the first to release a P4 motherboard which uses the SiS 645DX chipset. It's SiS's latest chispet designed for Pentium 4 processors. It offers the very latest in new technologies such as the DDR333 and SiS MuTIOL, it also has official support for 533FSB processors when they become available.
Active-Dardware, yet another Ti 4400 review from Visiontek With each new generation of Nvidia graphics cards, new technology has been unleashed on the market. With the advent of the GeForce 3, that technology was the NV20 GPU. Now, it's the GeForce 4 that has taken center-stage, and with it, the NV25 GPU on the Titanium series of this graphic card.