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Page 1 brings a Samsung 15inch TFT to the table. I don't care what anyone says. I will prob always think that CFTs are better than LCDs.
After trying out this beautiful TFT from Samsung, my eyes have never been as comfortable. The eyestrain is gone, and for one thing, productivity is up. I never knew how much uncomfortable CRT monitors are after you have been away from using them for a week. Visiting a friend's place, I had to use his computer for a bit and yes, he owned a 19" CRT monitor. Even with the refresh rate pumped to 85Hz, I felt a little qweasy after only 20 minutes of use and had to leave after a half an hour. My eyes just couldn't take it. I don't know whether it was the radiation from the monitor, or just the fuzziness of the text, but I just wanted to go home and use the TFT again. brings a Samsung 15inch TFT to the table. I don't care what anyone says. I will prob always think that CFTs are better than LCDs.
After trying out this beautiful TFT from Samsung, my eyes have never been as comfortable. The eyestrain is gone, and for one thing, productivity is up. I never knew how much uncomfortable CRT monitors are after you have been away from using them for a week. Visiting a friend's place, I had to use his computer for a bit and yes, he owned a 19" CRT monitor. Even with the refresh rate pumped to 85Hz, I felt a little qweasy after only 20 minutes of use and had to leave after a half an hour. My eyes just couldn't take it. I don't know whether it was the radiation from the monitor, or just the fuzziness of the text, but I just wanted to go home and use the TFT again.