Atmospheric scientists have uncovered fresh evidence to support the hotly debated theory that global warming has contributed to the emergence of stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean.
Said By Melizzy
Now Thomas, you know that Global Warming does NOT exist. That we are in a "natural" trend of warmer temps and that this will eventually turn around.
And you know I'm taking a pot shot at the idiot congressman who spews that type of logic to his constituency.
Said By Haggard
An idiot could of told us that.
Said By Thomas
Said By Haggard
An idiot could of told us that.
Bush never mentioned anything... but Gore did!
And for those who may wonder, I'm neither a Republican, nor a Democrat. I'm not even a US citizen.
Said By Tangent210
The problem with this whole thing is both sides have extremists which ruin their credibility. I don't know wether it is real or not. That's why its a theory. The science behind it makes sense but not everything in real life is logical. Not to mention that the earth has natural cycle's of warming and cooling. That and the atmospheric data they have collected only reliably dates back a couple hundred years. Not nearly enough to even start to fathom something like global climate change. The way I see it, it may not be real but cutting emissions and not polluting is a good thing. If global warming doesn't kill us the rate of pollution will certainly.
Said By Thomas
The recent analysis of satellite data confirms a link between warmer temperatures and hurricane activity,