The ability to successfully pursue my dreams....without fear of being broke (constant fear especially in the writing field)
If I could pick another (oh mighty Ichiichi! lol) i'd probably pick a few- just a small few (3-4 people- family/significant other) that loved me and cared for me very deeply with which our connection was strong no one would come between us for anything...
lol having fun with your life would be a nice thing to do...
but I find even the elderly get back in the work force at some point....
being at home (even doing immensely fun things) can get boring after a while i'm sure...
ultimate computer and removal of need of sleep and infanite knowlage
Make sure in your package of knowledge you get the chapter on spelling.
P.S. I would buy a pirate ship and get a crew that would go around destroying shit. I'd probably get a lifetime supply of Jagerbombs too. And if money really, really wasn't a factor, I'd buy the Vatican and turn it into a theme park with infamous roller coasters like "Jesus Loops" and "Noah's Ark" and probably some type of free-fall ride called "Exile" or "Repent" or something ironic.
I would wish for a peaceful planet,no diversity in between religions,more love and joy,no war,everyone to think that heaven or hell doesn't exist,no conflicts,no terrorism,no more pain,harmony with contries,and most of all no fighting.
Aron,with conflict the world becomes ugly.The war that is on right now is beacause of conflict.Conflict never gets us anywhere,now-a-days the world is person+conflict=death (literally) please try to agree with me on this the world won't become uglier than it already is.Please?