A: Hey if I had to save the human race there wouldn't be many other options for the lone male. I would have to say every hot girl under the age of 25 and above the age of 17.
A: I'm following Darwin's theory here (with a little spin). Only hot girls between 17 and 25 will survive, enough for me to reproduce with them...numerous times.
Q: Why did you make me think of that god-forsaken image?
A I the fact that i'm going to be bored in ten minutes and have to find something else to do ( oh and pot smokeing whores who look like skeletor, like my geometry teacher)
Q Least favorite class?
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.
A: Excuse me? No, I wasn't being mean. I was just being sarcastic. Had anyone not come around here for a while, I'd have had the same reponse. As for me telling you to read the article, I wasn't saying I WANTED you to get sick, I'm just saying, it's disturbing so you should read it o.O Umm...but I was actually wondering were the hell you went for so long.
EDIT: And I was just stating that our bars are like mirror images except with different colors, put 'em next to each other and they look weird.