Hmmm....I live in Connecticut...which is kind of close to those places...but my computers sucks.....and I don't own Farcry or, if by summer, I get an awesome computer and those games, the answer is yes.
Has anyone played the new mod yet for UT? Its called Red Orchestra, a very realistic WW2 game. It's really good and strangely addicting. Even though the difficulty in this game is beyond hard and can get frustrating. I suggest those who have UT2004 to dl it and try it out.
ya i give it 2 ot of 5 lol odnt like it i'll post some videos soon gotta put into the ftp for clanX -_- BTW i mod a lot of stuff and that is not a good mod a good mod is the call of duty mod revolt along wiht the mod for qauke 3 urban terror