# 10. Bully is a video game that will allow the player to rehearse violence upon his classmates and teachers in retribution for their bullying. This is the unfortunate scenario known to have occurred in violent school incidents known as "Columbine," "Paducah," "Jonesboro," and may others. The role of violent video game play in training the perpetrators in these and other incidents, including the school massacre in Efurt, Germany, and at Columbine is well known.
The Bully game will also train school-age kids how to become bullies after themselves being bullied.
# 13. Bully was supposed to be released to the public in the summer of 2005. However, Take-Two became embroiled in a public relations nightmare beginning in June 2005. Specifically, Take-Two embedded in its Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA: SA) game, which is actually a murder simulator in which the virtual player can kill police officers, prostitutes, and innocent bystanders, interactive graphic sex in what came to be known as the "Hot Coffee mod." Take-Two was selling this game to children despite the embedded adult content, and it knew that children were accessing it.
# 20. Take-Two now, in the aftermath of its "Hot Coffee" and other corporate scandals, apparently believes the public relations "coast is clear" for the release of Bully on October 1, 2006. Take-Two is allowing fawning media favorable to it and to the video game industry’s violent products to play Bully and to pronounce it harmless and safe for kids of all ages. Many of these "reviews" are in publications that receive ad revenue from Take-Two. These orchestrated "reviews" of Bully are now being published, thereby assuring parents "not to worry."
# 21. Take-Two is fraudulently and deceptively marketing this game not only because it desperately needs the cash from the sale of this controversial game, whose release has been delayed for over a year in large part because of the efforts of the undersigned petitioner, but also because controversy still swirls about the Bully game, and Take-Two is Hell-bent to defuse it.
Said By Einstein
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.