The past two articles showed you how to keep your computer safe and what program is better at removing spyware. This time around, I'll be showing you how to remove any spyware that already infected your machine.
A Real TechJoined: June 30, 2004Status: OfflinePosts: 1Rep:
Almost got it right... Sun Mar 5, 2006 8:21:28 PM#15691Perm Link
In addition to the what is listed in the article above:
To really do a good job, you need to run CWShredder to check for, and remove Cool Web Search and its variants. Sorry, Adaware and Spybot will not find or remove these.
You also need to run a current virus scan. There are Java based viruses that will function as downloaders on your computer. You can clean all day but until you find and remove the virus, you will be reinfected as soon as you connect to the internet. I use the free, web based virus scan from Trend Micro to scan PC's without any anti-virus programs.