I hate Blackberry. The device is so limited. A smartphone is so much better if you are getting a data device. What I'd rather is a regular PHONE. I don't like big gadgets.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
I think it's definitely the best Blackberry yet. But, I'm not really a Blackberry fan. I'm waiting for the Linux mobile software. I also want to take a look at Symbian, but it's not very common in the States.
I hate smart phones. I would rather have a cheap cell phone and a nice PDA.
I'm with you. I just want a phone that is a phone and a PDA that is a PDA. I had, for work for a while, a PDA phone. It sucked because I kept cutting myself off with the touch screen pad.
Well, 8800 is pretty weird. It has GPS built in, micro SD support, streaming video/audio support, but doesn't have a camera. O.o
It will sell well to people in the security sector and those who want a new BB to upgrade that has GPS, otherwise iPhone is a better value for the consumer who wants an all-in-one.