Ribs a little better today. Stopped taking the pain killers threee days ago. Still a little sore though. Not gonna stop me though. I plan to do some Barefooitng this weekend anyway!
Lucky you.
I would encourage killing moose, except they don't even taste good. They eat bark nine months a year so they taste... bleck. Not as bad as bear meat. At least moose don't eat other mammals.
I don't know... I always felt like that was stealing in a fashion.
Even if my conscience was telling me it was okay I have no transportation. We only have one car and my parents work from 8 in the morning to 6 at night. I do have a bike but Barnes & Nobles is on the other side of town and taxi fare is almost worse then book prices up here. Lol
Nice to know that you are so lucky to get a Camera with a bad pixel? What the heck are the chances of that? I mean, I have heard of dead pixels on LCD monitors, but a camera?
Should just leave it in the box..ATX is the powerhouse Standard right now and I don't see it dying anytime soon. BTX is in no way growing as fast as ATX did over AT and BabyAT.
I find the add reply button pretty easily. Also, you should be able to see the albums as well. Yes, this sister site is very picture-centric. I want people to showoff their things. Let's see a picture of that system of yours! »http://www.aseville.com/system.php
After you talked to him he looked like you'd just mentally raped him. (he still deserved it) He knew you were out of his league so he put you down cause he figured you'd ralize it sooner or later.