Networking, or connecting computers together to share information, has long been one of the more difficult areas of basic computing to get a grasp on, mainly because it is one of those points at which the generally friendly user interface of your average Windows box starts showing cracks, or possibly gaping holes ready to swallow up the unsuspecting user.
Tidying you case has more than one advantage… Not only does it look a helluva lot better through your nice new window, but it also improves airflow and lowers temperatures. In this article, I'll show you how to make your case tidy, make it look awesome, and all at a very affordable price. So let's get to tidying our case… RN STYLE!...
Generally comparing a 64MB Ti 4200 to a 128MB Ti 4200 we found the results in performance to be a mixed bag depending on the game in question. In 3DMark2001SE the conclusion is pretty much that more RAM is beneficial when AA is implanted, otherwise its speed over size. Quake3 is definitely happy with 64MB of DDR, more is not needed as speed takes precedence over size. Serious Sam 2 seemed to prefer more core speed with anisotropic filtering since there is so much overdraw with the anisotropic filtering on the GF4 cards. Jedi Knight 2 turned the tables, however, showing us that more RAM was a benefit rather then higher speed RAM. There was a tremendous difference with a 128MB card vs. a 64MB card in the higher resolutions. Code creatures also displayed this trend. With newer games no doubt more memory has the added benefit of squeezing more information into the frame buffer without having to texture out to local RAM. And with a little overclocking both cards are able to reach past Ti 4400 clock speeds and benchmark results.
It was assembled quickly, as the system was needed by one of our employees. Everything went great, but it turned out to be quite a bit louder than I had expected. I was not the only one to notice. I had given the system to one of our Industrial Hygienists, who reminded me that OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has noise regulations for office environments, and that this system might be pushing that limit!