On June 1, the chip giant reportedly will implement a greater price-cutting move on its Pentium-M processor line, launched only this year for its new Centrino notebook platform. According to board makers, Intel will slash prices of its 1.5 and 1.6GHz Pentium-Ms by more than 30%, quoting the two processors at US$294 and US$423, respectively. Price of the 1.4GHz version will also be lowered to US$241. Along with the price cut, Intel has scheduled to introduce a new 1.7GHz Pentium-M processor as well.
SiS reportedly has quoted its single-channel DDR400-supporting SiS648FX discrete chipset at US$20-25 and even offered a price of as low as US$17, according to some motherboard makers. Despite its slower launch schedule, VIA is said to have announced aggressive pricing for its return to the P4 chipset market. According to motherboard sources, VIA is quoting its new PT800 at US$22-23 to second-tier manufacturers and at below US$20 to first-tier clients. In addition, for orders of 500,000 units, the chipset designer will also offer an extra rebate of US$3 per unit. The pricing, however, was not confirmed by the chipset designer.
In fact, many buyers see Linux as playing an increasingly large role in their future system plans. A poll of Oracle database customers taken in March by the International Oracle User Group found that 43 percent of respondents plan to use Linux for "mission critical" applications in their data center within one year, while 54 percent plan to do so within two years.
But 321, in arguing that its products are legal, is also arguing that the DMCA must be reined in. "The court is going to have to come up with a new, nuanced interpretation of the statute," said 321 attorney Daralyn Durie, a partner at San Francisco-based Keker and Van Nest. "What's at stake is the ability to engage in fair use in a digital environment."
Delivers an incredible 30% increase in performance over previous Detonator 40 drivers**
** Performance results based upon GeForce FX 5600 Ultra running UnrealTournament 2003 Antalus flyby.
The diversion started Sunday night when 58 Texas Democrats slipped across the Red River to take up temporary residence at a Holiday Inn in Ardmore, Okla. On Monday, Republican Gov. Rick Perry (search) sent the Texas Rangers to Ardmore to arrest and escort the AWOL Democrats back to Austin, a move allowed under the Texas Constitution.
The 3200+ features a 400MHz bus, faster than the 333MHz and 266MHz buses found in earlier Athlon-based computers, and runs at a slightly faster clock speed than other high-end Athlon chips, said John Crank, senior branding associate for AMD.
A computer maker found the electrical problem in stress testing earlier this year, and Intel confirmed it was a problem with the chips, not the software or other parts of system design, Grimes said. The problem affects both 900MHz and 1GHz versions of the Itanium 2, code-named McKinley. However, it doesn't affect a faster 1.5GHz successor--called Itanium 2 6M and formerly code-named Madison--that is set for release in mid-2003, she said.
The ruling is significant, because the appeals panel attempted to address some muddy legal issues related to online data collection. These questions include what, in the online world, constitutes protected "content" for the purposes of intercepting communications--a technique commonly used by law enforcement agencies.
Elpida submitted its 512 Mit DDR2 Unbuffered DIMM module dubbed EBE51UD8ABFA-5C to Intel Corp. to test it in a real prototype system. "The DDR2 DRAM actually operated at 533 Mbits/s with a 1.8V power supply in the Intel machine," said an Elpida spokeswoman.
The new Nvidia chip also eliminates one of the least-admired aspects of the 5800: the big, noisy cooling fan that the chip required. Steve Sims, senior product manager for Nvidia, said the 5900 uses a cooling system based on Nvidia's workstation products, which improves airflow and reduces fan-related noise significantly.
Unlike tablets or the coming mini-PCs, NEC's MobilePro does not contain a built-in hard drive and runs Windows CE, as well as the pocket version of Microsoft applications. On the other hand, NEC's device has a longer battery life and costs $899.
On Thursday, the software giant was scrambling to determine the impact of a flaw in the password reset feature of its Passport identity service. The vulnerability, first reported by CNET News.com, could have allowed attackers armed only with a Passport user's e-mail address to access information such as the user's name, address and credit card number.
Although cable broadband is more expensive than DSL, it remains the dominant technology choice for broadband access in the United States. This lead is credited to cable's fast download speeds and its availability in nearly every major U.S. market. About 10 million U.S. homes get broadband access from cable providers such as Comcast, while about six million use Verizon and other telephone companies' DSL services.
The material, only as thick as three human hairs, displays black text on a whitish-gray background with a resolution similar to that of a typical laptop computer screen.
IBM has begun building the chips that will be used in the first Blue Gene, a machine dubbed Blue Gene/L that will run Linux and have more than 65,000 computing nodes, said Bill Pulleyblank, director of IBM's Deep Computing Institute and the executive overseeing the project. Each node has a small chip with an unusually large number of functions crammed onto the single slice of silicon: two processors, four accompanying mathematical engines, 4MB of memory and communication systems for five separate networks.